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What CRM Software Should I Use In My Business?

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A lasting business requires systemisation and automation, which saves time and increases productivity.

There are many different software programs you can utilise to automate your business, and usually there will be more than one that work in harmony together to create a cohesive experience for your Client or Customer in today’s fast paced online world.

It is important to make the right choice initially as it can be a lot of work to set it up on one platform, and then to have to change it over to another system can be a headache you just don’t need!

Take it from me, I have made this mistake!

The first priority is to decide what you need most…is it a sales function where you can track all of the opportunities you have on the table?

Is it a funnel ie. the ability to upsell and downsell and send out automated emails to your Customer every couple of days?

Keep in mind that there are different stages of a funnel.

Is it the ability to project manage your activities to ensure they reach the required outcome in the appropriate amount of time?

One you have nailed this down, in order of priority, it is then time to take a good look at the options available to you.

The good news is that there are some very user friendly software platforms available on the market.

For businesses that have a small team and who are operating anywhere up to $20 million in revenue, we suggest you need software that has an auto-responder, so you can keep in touch with your Clients via email.

We also suggest that you have the ability to build out a series of landing pages that provide free or low-priced offers to entice your ideal Customer to opt-in to your email list.

Then to be able to build out a campaign or funnel that takes them through some kind of education process about who you are and what it is that you do, so you are building a relationship with them over time is also what I would suggest.

Many look at funnels as the opportunity to upsell and downsell, and they are that, however, what they are to us, is the chance to touch base with your Clients on a regular basis in a way that builds a storey, entertains, educates and then eventually gives them an opportunity to work with you, or try your product.

If you are interested in knowing what software we recommend, based on our own observations over the last 10 years and also our Clients recommendations, we have created a cheat sheet with clickable links for you, which you can grab here.

By the way, we have no reason to recommend one over the other and aim to remain fairly neutral about software, as the best fit will depend on your unique circumstances, budget and requirements.

It is important to note that no matter which software you choose, the process we utilise to systematise your business is the same.

As always, we hope to provide you massive value and insight with these posts and would genuinely appreciate your feedback and comments, every single one is read by our team.

We would like to hear which software is working well for you and how you use it best in your business. Everyone in our community can benefit from hearing about your unique situation (and it’s a chance to give your business a plug…so go for it!).

That link to our software recommendations again is HERE



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