Before I even had a website, I started calling up people I wanted to work for and building a relationship with them.
Our product back then was Sales and Marketing Consulting. Simple. It worked.
It is now different! We are a Business Advisory & Trusted Advisor who has done the hard yards learning by making mistakes sometimes and then doing out best to fix them up as quickly as we could do so.
Anthony Robbins says this in one of his smaller books: Go out and screw up!
Reading this changed my life & I loved him for saying it.
We can say that we certainly have at times, but our screw ups have been utilised as learning opportunities that we can then pass on to others to ensure that they do not make the same mistakes….and thankfully they were not serious & could be sorted out quickly!
We can get them to where they want to be so much faster though our combined knowledge!
Then, as we grew, we started to work on the digital side of the business ie. our website, our digital training & our webinar and our email marketing, blogs etc.
When doing this, we started to get consumed with creating an online presence. We took our focus off what mattered most.
We realised what we were doing wrong & once we realised, we never made this mistake again.
So many Businesses & Companies spend so much time, effort & money in an attempt to perfect their website, their funnels and their offers..
It is so easy at this point of your business to do a whole lot, with little to show for your efforts.
I’m going to give you via the blog below, a quick shortcut to how to grow a real business, so you don’t waste precious your precious resources like time & money…
So, you more than likely provide a service, or a service perhaps even related to a product that you are selling (an important distinction…there is always going to be some kind of Customer Service involved).
I would say…..Do everything you can to Make sure you actually make sales, even if they are in person initially!!!!
Some of this Itialic’ed below came from within the Clickfunnels community.
I am unsure of the original author!
No Actually.
What?… But I was told that is the thing to do, right?
The time to run ads is when you know you have the right offer for your target market.
They are best used to scale…
No funnel, no ads, no offer?!
Stay with me here. If you do, you will understand that finding out what your Customer wants by actually delivering something to them and then tweaking it along the way is the only way to build an offer that will sell…then we look at everything else.
Someone sent me an offer to connect with Influencers on Instagram for a fee.
I immediately thought, she hasn’t even asked me what my target market is!
So, I would be getting likes, but no potential Customers. What is the point of that?
So, stop trying to reach more people with your ads or getting more likes.
Stop trying to build huge lists for now…
Don’t spend your time and money marketing to people who aren’t really interested in your product or service.
So, exactly what should we be doing instead I hear you ask???
This means you focus on your niche & your ideal Customer or Client before anything else. Also, they may end up being different from what you thought!
First, we need to make sure that your marketing message & branding, based on your specialty product or service is actually working! This requires careful consideration which we can help you with!
Our job is to get you thinking & sharing waht you do!
We translate this, with our incredible Clients, into a sales & Marketing Plan which can include a funnel which is what Clickfunnels is great for!
The point is to EDUCATE, so people understand what you do & how you do it & are genuinely interested in it.
Your actual product or service offer & will come from doing this first, because when you’re in conversation with your ideal Customer, you will know exactly what it is that they want.
Speak with them, get to know them.
Ask them what they need & want.
Ask them what questions & worries keep them up at night.
To get the answer 100% correct, we run you through an incredible training to show you how to do this part happen correctly to ensure you have this part correct (I learned a similar one many many years ago).
By showing them you genuinely care & want to help them with their problem. Like you would a friend.
Then stay in touch. Like a friend would.
Treat your Customers like friends.
Old school? Yes.
Does it still work? Yes.
Genuinely caring for people makes them like you & want to work with you. Jay Abraham, one of the best sales people in the world agrees, as I paid to study with him many years ago & love his work!
Don’t just send a link to your offer cold…to people who don’t know you.
Actually work on building a relationship with a group of your ideal Clients first.
Offer some value so they know that you are in fact the right person to help them.
Once they know you better & like you & your offer, then when you send them an offer at a later point in time, they will be more interested in it.
Digital Marketing enhances a relationship, it doesn’t replace one.
If you do this well, before you ever run an ad, you’ll know what the message should be, and who you are targeting, exactly what your offer is & your proven landing page & resulting offer will be written to accommodate your Customer perfectly.
Let us help you with each step of the Sales & Marketing process….then when you have this right, we can help you systemise it & increase your business.
Sign up for more advanced tips & strategies here & get our Book FREE, worth $29.97 but really so much more!
Copyright 2020 Wisdom & Business PTY LTD